Monday, July 25, 2011

2011 Mazda Shinari Review

Mazda Shinari is a model of a pure design concept four-door, four seat sports coupe that expresses perfectly "KODO - Soul of motion design theme of" a graceful and carefree.

Shinari The Japanese word describes the emergence of a powerful and flexible large elastic force when objects of high resistance, such as steel or bamboo, are twisted or bent. It also refers to the appearance of a person or animal, as your body becomes flexible to generate a fast motion. In this move, Mazda designers have discovered the potential to achieve "Kodo -. The movement of the soul"

A look at the concept of Mazda Shinari arouse emotions. Its shape indicates a strong movement has developed a very lean muscular, agile, but at the same time full of emotions. Mazda's desire is to get the hearts of car enthusiasts', and over the concept of rational logic. This is a very pure form of this desire.

2011 Mazda Shinari

Designer Challenge

Yasushi Nakamuta, the lead designer who led the design of the third generation Mazda MX-5, was the first to begin to commit suicide by Mazda Shinari Concept: "Our challenge was to create an expression for the innovative and powerful energetic movements , something we had never tried before. We started with the development of the design around the image of a predator when it hits its prey, or stabbing movement in kendo, Japanese fencing, to express the accumulated time the force is released.

Translation of this first moment of "instantaneous movement promoted by Shinari Mazda Mazda design concept presented in a variety of challenges as well as designers and modellers working on the project. The process of a series of activities, which saw the inspiration of the team in different places. This included each team member creates sketches and sculpture-free clay models to represent their conceptions of "Kodo -. Seoul's move "And then continued to study the functional beauty is seen as a traditional Japanese crafts, and movement to witness the ancient Japanese martial arts.

As the team continued this exploratory process, Nakamuta focused on a force so strong it can bend a significant portion of the steel plate. Design Concept Mazda Shinari adds subtle touches and tension to create forms that express the movements smooth and powerful, resulting in an expression of "KODO - Soul Movement."

2011 Mazda Shinari

Exterior - unbridled expression of the agile movement

With an image of strength that comes through each panel and component looks Shinari Mazda Concept ready to jump on a second. The strong backbone that runs through the body, the sudden release of stored energy and the interaction of the fine, smooth moves - this form is an expression of all these elements.

The appearance of the A-pillar that tapers towards the rear of the body, the shape of the cab, front fenders, Shinari these and other elements combine to create proportions, suggesting the immediate release of energy for drive the car forward.

The distinctive front fenders is the further development of the wings protruding introduced the Mazda RX-8. They point to the front wheels, and highlights the dynamic movement reflected in the side of the body, in a style that is both sporty and elegant. Draw fluid lines to the rear from the front fenders and meet those who travel out of the rear bumper in a multi-layered effect. This combination creates a look that suggests a strong sense of excitement with a graceful beauty.

2011 Mazda Shinari

All Mazda body flattened as if Shinari Concept evolving. There is no static type available, such as the car is in perpetual motion. For example, the subtle control of the angle of the upper face of the side frame from front to rear, resulting in a form that suggests a glimmer of momentum along the body of the car.

The sculpture in three dimensions of the grid points with pride Mazda line. A line of powerful movement in the home network and continues through the hood, fenders, lamp modules and front bumper. In particular, the floating bar - that connects the door with the lights - is an expression in three dimensions of speed, an approach that is a distinctive signature new to Mazda. Headlights, Mazda designers have created a structure with the projector lens is external exposure from the lights and sunken eyes, suggesting a wild animal ready to pounce on its prey.

Aerodynamic performance was an important goal of the concept of Mazda Shinari, and the center of the bottom - as well as front and rear bumpers - are designed to optimize the airflow along the car chassis. Line drawn that connects the front bumper side skirts and rear bumper, fill a similar role and improve the flow of air through the body, while further contributing to the car's aerodynamic performance.

2011 Mazda Shinari

Exterior mirror, wheels and tailpipes emphasize the feeling of lightness and agility, and hand crafted to convey the feeling of human contact, which contributes to the feeling of a superior quality.

For the body color, a bright metallic blue was selected to provide an image of hard metal. The strong yet further highlights the brilliance combines with the clear contrast in the shadows to create a balance between the powerful, three-dimensional shape and appearance of the surfaces of flexion and rotation, a balance that has been a goal design. The hard, flash light forged steel with a Japanese sword is combined with wisdom and sensuality to express the highest quality.

Inside - Exploring a new approach to the unity between car and driver

When you create the concept interior Mazda Shinari goal was to design a significant premium cockpit that integrates its DNA intrinsic. While the exterior design, can be enjoyed through the movement from the inside, meanwhile, is experienced in a static, seated position. A commitment to significant mechanical function and excellent ergonomics have created a driver-oriented cockpit that expresses "the ultimate athletic space," while expressing a sense of momentum inside the car.

Enter the vehicle of the eye immediately drawn to the cockpit a driver-oriented around the driver. Angle to the surface and movement sets the tone for the entire interior. The highlight of the interior is coated between the instrument panel top and bottom, as opposed to crisp the surface, edges and fine mechanical details. Crafts interior is characterized by the use of brilliant finishing the perimeter of integrated cockpit and strengthen the sense of speed. Use authentic materials, including machined aluminum, soft leather and natural design of precision instrumentation and control, gives the interior an attractive quality that exceeds expectations.

2011 Mazda Shinari

Professional to fill the car's controls

Mazda's designers wanted to redefine the proximity of the instrumentation and control drivers through the establishment of an intuitive "to reach" areas, which Mazda calls "dedicated to driving ergonomics." All instruments and controls are designed and positioned to improve the driving experience. What separates the two isolated areas of the dashboard, the driver's cab is isolated from the rest of the interior and allows the driver to concentrate on the task of driving. Reinforce the message to the driver orientation, the design of basic and secondary echo of the most important tools for the shape of the cabin, which provides a clear view of the simple driver's seat. Sitting behind thick frame, three-spoke steering wheel the driver is sitting inside a single seat contoured for maximum comfort and support.

The principle of "driving ergonomics specialist" is also reflected in the car next generation human-machine interface (HMI). The availability of small electronic components has allowed designers Mazda Shinari concept of creating a floating three-dimensional GUI screen, a design element that represents the latest HMI technology. The system offers three modes. Business, pleasure and sport "

2011 Mazda Shinari

Working mode allows the driver to stay in touch with their day jobs. In the pleasure-mode focuses on comfort and entertainment, allowing the driver to customize the interior to create a relaxed atmosphere. In sports mode, the driving environment has changed the gearbox paddle is activated, the suspension settings are tuned for driving performance, and controls have been simplified, the driver can concentrate on only the driving experience.

The main instrument panel surfaces are positioned low and away from occupants, creating a unique sense of openness. HMI interface and controls for front passenger seats are a new level of detail and functionality of the interior Premium Mazda. Even if the internal volume is treated in this way has a high sense of sporty driving dynamics.

Mazda Shinari concept is a profound link the driver and car, and the beginning of the new theme of Mazda's "Kodo-Seoul in Motion". Shinari exhibits functional aesthetic that continues to evolve Mazda continues to depend on its next generation of vehicles.

2011 Mazda Shinari

Fighting for the original and the original Japanese Mazda

With Mazda Shinari concept as the first step, Ikuo Maeda, general manager of Mazda's design division, is the creation of original designs that Mazda will be recognized throughout the world. He summarizes his determination as follows:

"My goal is to create models, which give meaning to people with pride and say," This is a Mazda design. "There is no need for Mazda to build cars for people who are only concerned with" style "and" trends ". If the job is a sports car or compact cars, are always working to create designs that evoke emotional response in people and I hope to continue to do the same I remain fully committed to developing models for people who love and admire the cars. And 'my personal belief that the only way to create models that are substantially access to people, and create models of their love, is whether people who create them are absolutely passionate about cars and are willing to make that a passion for designing corporate policies of expression.

2011 Mazda Shinari

"Also, I think it is very important to obtain information about the original design of Japanese cars in the Mazda. It is not only where the elements of traditional Japanese design of the car. I think that reflects the spirit of Japanese car models as part the practice of the subconscious. So when I see where this could lead to the future, my plan is to create cars that are immediately recognizable as the Mazda, even when viewed from afar My ultimate goal is to create a presence in the fans drive all over the world recognize and represent the originality of the Mazda Japan, Mazda and originality Futuremark is moving physically and emotionally -.. this is "Kodo - Seoul movement".